Visualising the impact of AI with watsonx


How do you make tangible the benefits of generative AI, and inspire an audience with it's powerful potential to change how we live and work? 'watsonx your business' sought to do just that, forming the central installation at IBM's Think 2024.

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Building on the success of previous IBM projects, we were asked to create a large-scale interactive for Think 2024 that brought the watsonx product portfolio to life, inspiring audiences with real customer proof-points and breathtaking visuals. A live experience controlled via an elegant physical interface let Think attendees get hands on with generative visuals that unpacked the benefits of generative AI.

From sustainable operations to customer experience, 6 business domains where watsonx works to make processes more intelligent were visualised through bespoke generative modes. Attendees manipulated the artwork in real-time via a custom-made physical UI. With each dial rotation, the on-screen content transformed revealing visual metaphors that underpinned inspirational insights from IBM customers already benefitting from watsonx.

The making of

Realising watsonx your business drew on the full breadth of our experience in digital within live environments. From the bespoke design, electronics and fabrication of the physical control units, through to industry leading breakthroughs in real-time ray tracing, each component of the installation underwent rigorous R&D and iteration, culminating in the centrepiece of Think 2024 in Boston.


Make Associates
— Digital design, build & fabrication

George P. Johnson
— Lead agency

Accept & Proceed
— Lead creative agency

— Software development

In research