Hands-on with realtime content distribution

VMware x Vodafone

In the age where short-form videos rule social media, VMware and Vodafone are introducing an innovative method for network optimization. For MWC 2024, Make was tasked with creating an interactive product demo for VMware and Vodafone's new technology, Network Aware Services. This technology empowers content providers to swiftly adapt to actual network conditions by managing the volume of content and short videos delivered to users more effectively.

By facilitating communication between networks and content providers, this technology allows content providers to automatically optimise their data transmission in real time. This results in energy and bandwidth savings, as well as decreased network congestion.

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A dynamic, dual-screen interface simulated real-life network conditions. Through intuitive object recognition and real-time visualisations, users saw how the technology optimises data transmission from provider to device. By contrasting the network’s performance both with and without the technology, this hands-on experience provided a clear understanding of how the technology streamlines content delivery, highlighting the efficiency and adaptability of this innovative solution.

By placing physical objects on the table, users could adjust network conditions, manage data flows, and observe the effects in real-time. Tactile interaction was seamlessly integrated with the digital interface, providing an intuitive and engaging way to explore the capabilities of Network Aware Services.

The making of

The entire experience was powered by Unity, enabling rich, interactive graphics and smooth performance. Unity's robust programming environment ensured that the interactions were responsive and visually captivating, creating an immersive demonstration tool that effectively conveys the technology's benefits.


Make Associates
— Concept, Creative & Art Direction

— Lead agency & scenic production

— Software development

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